Transgender Policies of the Government: A Study


  • Ms. Sreelekshmi R. Student, Centre for Public Administration and Policy Studies, Central University of Kerala, Kasargod, Kerala, India


Transgender welfare initiatives, National Legal Services Authority vs. Union of India (NALSA), Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, National Council for Transgenders, Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, The National Portal for Transgender Persons, SMILE scheme, The Kerala Transgender Policy, International model policies for transgenders.


There have always been feminist movements in India pertaining to gender issues. However, only in recent years have laws supporting gender identification issues and policies for transgender community welfare started to take effect. The government has initiated a number of efforts in the late 19th century, but only in the past ten years have these acts been formally recognised. A timeline of all the significant national initiatives of the central government for the empowerment of the transgender community is explained in this study. Kerala, which has the country's highest Human Development Index score, has created the country's first state-level transgender policy in line with the famous NALSA judgement of the Supreme Court of India. The Kerala Transgender Policy and some steps taken by the state's social justice department are also discussed. For a comparative knowledge of transgender policies in various socio-economic and political contexts, some model international policies of countries such as Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Germany, and Argentina are also covered.


